Never Before—50 Essential Poems / 不可预期—诗精50首

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Never Before—50 Essential Poems is a compilation of 50 defining poems after two years of extensive archival and library research. The collection, spanning half a century of Singaporean Chinese literary history, aims to expose voices that we have not been told about in school, in the media, and in past representations of what Singapore literature is supposed to be. This is a work that broadens and deepens Singapore's literary tradition across the languages and literary communities.

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Never Before—50 Essential Poems / 不可预期—诗精50首

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$18.60 SGD

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诗集灵巧有致,编选不仅展现了本地诗坛的宽度,更体现了跨代诗人的韧度。 —谢燊杰 ,新加坡九年剧场艺术总监

这是一本颠覆性的诗选,不但颠覆外人对新加坡新诗的固有想象,也在内部颠覆新华文学写作者的困境,给一支孤军提供了自由游击的可能性。 —廖伟棠 ,香港诗人

我以为一本好的诗选并不在多,甚至也不在精,而在拓展视野,对现实,乃至既有的文学观景,形成一种批评。《不可预期》正是这么一本诗选。 —鸿鸿 ,台湾诗人、导演


Ang Lai Sheng (孤星子), Ang Jin Yong (洪均荣), Tan Boon Hui (陈文慧)