Interview With Tyla Lim

After the Fall: Dirges Among Ruins has a pretty, pastel palette on its cover that is intriguing for many. Why vases? Or are they tombstones? And why do the flowers pop against the dusty sky? 

We speak to Tyla Lim, the lady behind the cover of Eric Tinsay Valles’ latest collection of poetry, for answers.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a freelance graphic designer; I just graduated from the Glasgow School of Art three months back, so I’m just trying to see if I can continue freelancing, and I’m also trying to find my way around the scene as well.

What are some nondescript details in your artwork?

There’s a visual connection between the vase and the tombstone. It’s meant to be in the same shape to draw the connection.

What dominant mood do you wish the artwork to convey?

I wanted it to be a little solemn, but with a bit of hope too, so there’s a sense of trying to find hope in the midst of all that, because that was what I think he (Eric) was trying to get at too.

And the poppies represent hope?

Yes. Bright colours.

What are some details you’re most proud of?

I think I was just happy to be able to convey that. Initially I was very stuck. I wanted to make the vase the tombstone, and it didn’t work. When it got resolved, I was very glad.

What were some of the difficulties faced, besides the vase?

I was concerned as to whether I was communicating it right, whether he would want this to represent his work. It’s a bit pressurising, because it’s only one cover and there are so many things I could do with it.

How would you look at your artwork if you weren’t the artist?

This is a tough question! I might pick it up because half of it is one color and the other half is another, so it draws the eye to the centre—maybe curiosity as to why poppies too. 

After the Fall: Dirges Among Ruins is available for purchase at BooksActually, Booktique, Books Kinokuniya, MPH, and here.