Khairat Kita: A History of Malay/Muslim Mutual Aid in Singapore

A collection of interviews, photographs, essays and personal reflections, Khairat Kita is a project documenting the last few remaining Malay/Muslim Mutual Benefit Organisations (MMBOs) providing aid and charity to their deceased members' families. Known as badan khairat kematian, they are volunteer, community-led initiatives based on a centuries-old tradition of mutual aid. 

Khairat kematian organisations are social anchors in the community and custodians of intangible cultural heritage in Singapore’s Malay/Muslim community. 

With around 20 such organisations left, declining membership and ageing committee members, the future looks uncertain for these MMBOs.

More information about the project can be found on the authors' LaunchGood page here

Watch preview clips from the documentary on the Khairat Kita Instagram page here

Check out the Malay edition, translated by Fadhli Fadzil, here.

Read the first pages →

Khairat Kita: A History of Malay/Muslim Mutual Aid in Singapore

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$20.00 SGD



$20.00 SGD


Fauzy Ismail, Zakaria Zainal, Zaki Jumahri