Testing The Silence

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*Do note that the books are not in mint condition (yellowed pages). 

In Pang's first collection of poetry, he draws inspiration from everyday events to highlight the familiar silences that seem laden with meanings and yet cannot be articulated easily with words. In attempting to define the boundaries, Pang shapes these silences into existence to bring forth an awareness to allow us to start to realise the meanings of these voids and the power of language.

Always able to pick the right word, he uses language to poetise, celebrate, affirm and confront the mundane. There is also a constant sense of his engagement with the environment when reading his verses, a feeling of always being on the brink of re-discovering life’s experiences.

Testing The Silence is a triumph of poetic endeavour and a powerful assertion of what poetry can do.





Testing The Silence

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$11.65 SGD

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"Here, poetry is a sounding board, a cry into the darkness, a wait for the echo. Words about words and sounds. Fishing, rain, space." - Guang Tse on Goodreads

"Alvin's poetry dives into our souls while connecting to the everyday. Loved this collection." - Anne Marie, who gave a 5-star rating on Goodreads


Alvin Pang