Teaching Poetry To Adolescents: A Teacher's Guide to Little Things

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 In this Teachers’ Guide, Loh Chin Ee, Angelia Poon and Esther Vincent introduce effective and inspirational ideas and strategies for teaching poetry in the secondary Literature classroom that both beginning and veteran teachers of Literature will find useful and invigorating. Besides providing a comprehensive guide to what beginning students of Literature need to understand about reading poetry, the Teachers’ Guide promises to challenge intermediate and advanced students with its segment on creative writing and writing about Literature.

Designed as an accompaniment to Little Things: an Anthology of Poetry, the Teachers’ Guide may be used independently as a resource for Literature teaching. Lesson ideas, reproducible handouts as well as rubrics for creative and essay writing are included.

Teaching Poetry To Adolescents: A Teacher's Guide to Little Things

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Loh Chin Ee, Angelia Poon, Esther Vincent